Monday, September 2

The September Issue

I've always been more of a magazine girl. I dreamed of being a high fashion editor with dark sunglasses and a faint British accent that no one could explain. It's the visual element that always drew me in- how the words worked seamlessly with the larger than life scenes and vivid colors. I spent hours just flipping through the pages, reading every issue from front to back, and then front to back all over again. As I've gotten older I've lost the amount of free time required to read each issue religiously, but I always make time every year for the September Issue of Vogue. To this day I still pour over every page- dog earring the ads that take my breath away and the gorgeous models that seem to reach off the page to hold your attention. It's those ads that inspired me to become a photographer. I wanted to capture emotion and hold the audience's attention for more than just a passing glance. While my photos have not graced the pages of any glossy magazine, they still give me daily inspiration to keep reaching, improving, and striving toward my dreams.

Keep smiling,


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